
1.Walmart·2.SaudiAramco·3.StateGrid·4.Amazon·5.ChinaNationalPetroleum·6.SinopecGroup·7.ExxonMobil·8.Apple,ListingoftheFortune500companiesintheUnitedStatesbyrank,industry,location,state,category,annualrevenue,website,zipcode,numberof ...,TheFortune500,inits69thyear,ranksthebiggestU.S.companiesbyrevenue.Thetop10aloneposted$3.7trillioninrevenue,andtheywereomnipresent ...,TheFortuneGlobal500,alsok...

Fortune 500 Companies

1. Walmart · 2. Saudi Aramco · 3. State Grid · 4. Amazon · 5. China National Petroleum · 6. Sinopec Group · 7. Exxon Mobil · 8. Apple

Fortune 500 Full List (2024)

Listing of the Fortune 500 companies in the United States by rank, industry, location, state, category, annual revenue, website, zip code, number of ...

Fortune 500

The Fortune 500, in its 69th year, ranks the biggest U.S. companies by revenue. The top 10 alone posted $3.7 trillion in revenue, and they were omnipresent ...

Fortune Global 500

The Fortune Global 500, also known as Global 500, is an annual ranking of the top 500 corporations worldwide as measured by revenue. The list is compiled ...

Global 500

The corporations on our annual list of the world's largest companies showed their muscle in 2022, delivering record-high aggregate revenues of $41 trillion.

Global 500

1. Walmart · 2. Saudi Aramco · 3. State Grid · 4. Amazon · 5. China National Petroleum · 6. Sinopec Group · 7. Exxon Mobil · 8. Apple.

Global 500 Full Listing (2022)

2023年6月6日 — Listing of the Global 500 companies in the world compiled by Fortune Magazine by rank, industry, location, state, category, annual revenue, ...


《財星》世界500大(英語:Fortune Global 500,簡稱:Global 500),是指美國《財星》雜誌從1995年起每年評選的全球最大500家公司的排行榜,以公司的營業額為 ...